a. The Government of the Overhill Nation consists of a Governing Council, a Chief's Council, a Court Council and a Tribal Council.
b. The Governing Council is made up of the Pricipal Chief, the Head Elder, the Head Warrior, the Beloved Woman, the Head of the Women's Council, the Fire Maker, the Medicine Man, the Medicine Woman, the Clan Chiefs, Clan Mothers, Clan Elders, and the Shaman.
c. The Chief's Council is made of three members of the Overhill Nation. The three advisors are hand-picked by the Principal Chief.
d. The Court Council will consist of the Principal Chief, the Head Warrior, and three people selected by the Pricipal Chief.
e. The Tribal Council will consist of Head Medicine Woman, Beloved Woman, the Head Elder of the Overhill Nation, and Head of the Women's Council.
Council members also include the Clan Chiefs, Clan Head Elders, and Clan Mothers.
Court Council:
Chief Man Many Trees Gibson--- Deer Clan
Grey Eagle Thornton--- Florida Wolf Clan
Man White Cloud Arnold --- Tennessee Deer Clan
Tribal Council:
Man White Cloud Arnold--- Head Elder
Grey Eagle Thornton
Woman Bobcat Spirit Cropper--- Head of the Women's Council
Clan Chiefs
John Freeman --- Bird Clan of Alabama
Yellow Flower --- Blue Clan of Oolenoy Valley, Pickens, SC
(Woman Free Spirit Clay) --- Deer Clan of Tennessee
Horse --- Longhair Clan of Tennessee
Man Little Bull --- Red Paint Clan of Chesterfield, Virginia
Black Wolf Standing --- Wind Clan of Tennessee
Grey Eagle Thornton--- Wolf Clan of Florida
Hawk Mother Stanley--- Wolf Clan of the Overhill Nation